Keyboard Express - Explorer

The Keyboard Express - Explorer is the first window visible when running the program. This window lists the macros that have been created and provides navigation to other areas of the program - to create new macros, edit existing macros, etc.

The icons in the right hand column are the primary methods of navigating through the program. Clicking on any of these icons will load a different program function.
Use the Categories field to assign macros to user defined categories. With large numbers of macros created, the categories provide an easy way to locate macros for further editing, refinement, exporting, etc.

For example create a Password category to hold any macros containing important passwords or assign any MS Word specific macros to a MS Word category. This makes it easy to quickly find the macro needed.

Upon installation there are two default categories - All Categories and Unassigned. These categories may not be renamed or deleted. Additional categories may be created as shown in this example. Since Keyboard Express allows more than one macro file to be open at a time, multiple sets of categories may be displayed - a set for each open file.

Note: A macro may only be assigned to one category.


Macro List
By default, the program opens to the Keyboard Express - Explorer window. This window displays the list of macros in the file that is currently open. The macro information is displayed in four columns.


1.Index - #
The index column numbers the macros in the order that they were created. The first macro created in the file displays as number 1, the second macro as number 2, etc.

The Activation column displays the method selected to execute the macro. This column displays the hotkey combinations, any scheduled macros or the shortcut combinations used for any shortkey activated macro.

Optionally assign a nickname to any macro to help more readily identify the purpose of the macro. Any not assigned a nickname are displayed with a blank field.

This column lists the macro scope, whether it is global or assigned to a specific window.



Add New Item

 Left click on this small icon in the bottom left corner of the window to open a menu to create a new file, open an existing macro file, choose from a list of recent files, or create a new category.


Remove Item

 Left click on this icon to close the file that is currently highlighted or open. This option is not available if only one macro file is open.


Right Click on Macro - Context Menu 
Right mouse click on a macro to open a context menu. Choose from many of the options that are available in the Macros menu column.