Read Only Prompt


This setting provides for several options when opening a read only .kex macro file.


Note: If using the Swap File command and the file to be loaded is a Read Only file, then the Default Action selected in this Preference panel will be used.


Keyboard Express - Explorer > Options > Preferences > Dialog - Read Only Prompt tab



Prompt about read-only status on macro files
Select this option to have the program prompt for action when a read only .kex macro file is encountered. The following dialog opens allowing the user to select a course of action. This prompt window will default to the option saved in the Read Only Prompt preference setting discussed above.



Default Action

If the Prompt option is not selected, then choose from one of the three default options discussed below. The action selected will occur each time a read only .kex macro file is encountered.


Leave the file as is

The read only status will be left as is. Keyboard Express will attempt to perform the requested action with the read only file.


Turn off the read-only flag

The read only status of the macro file is turned off, which will allow for editing of the macro file, etc.


Abort the operation

The function that Keyboard Express is attempting to do with the file will be aborted.