Move to Category


Use the menu commands to assign macros to categories already created. Highlight the macro to be assigned and click on Macro > Move to Category. A list of categories appears as in the example below. Highlight the category desired and press the OK button. The macro is now assigned to the category just selected.



Keyboard Express - Explorer > Macro > Move to Category


The other way to assign macros to categories is to drag the macro from the list of macros in the Keyboard Express - Explorer to the category on the left. To drag the macro, highlight the macro to be moved to a new category. Hold down the left mouse button and move the pointer to the category listed in the Category column. When the mouse is pointing to the correct category, release the left mouse button. This moves the macro to the category selected. Next, click on the category to see the macro displayed in that category. Only those macros assigned to that category are displayed. The macro just moved also remains in "All Categories".  
With either of the above options, highlight a block of macros and move them all at once to the category of choice.
Note: The categories selected are specific to the macro file that is currently open. When opening a new macro file, the categories change to what have been created for that file.