Clipboard Functions


Keyboard Express will play back the following clipboard functions during macro runtime.


Keyboard Express - Editor > Clipboard


Clipboard Command

Select the appropriate clipboard command from the drop down list.


Clipboard Copy

Clipboard Copy is the same as issuing a Ctrl + c in Windows. It copies to the clipboard whatever is selected (highlighted). This function should follow commands in the macro script that highlight the text or image.


Clipboard Cut

Clipboard Cut is the equivalent of issuing a Ctrl + x in Windows. It deletes the selected (highlighted) text or image and copies it to the Windows clipboard. Follow this command by saving the clipboard contents to a variable or issuing a clipboard paste command.


Clipboard Empty

This command clears or empties the clipboard of all its contents.


Clipboard Paste

Clipboard Paste is the same as issuing a Ctrl + v in Windows. The Paste command inserts the contents of the Windows clipboard into the application currently running.