Revision History

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  1. The installation program for Keyboard Express has been updated to a more modern setup tool. This change was made to address security vulnerabilities found in the previous installer. Consequently, some advanced installation options have been modified. For detailed information, please refer to the new Advanced Installation documentation.
  2. Updated the help to document new Advanced Installation options.
  3. Updated the Alt-Key Sequence dialog.
  4. Fixed the display of the Symbols dialog for some DPI scale settings.
  5. Fixed a bug in GetNumPrinters that caused crashes.
  6. Fixed a DPI scaling issue in the Shortkey activation dialog.
  1. Fixed issues with Quick Macro on high DPI/4K monitors.
  2. Fixed a problem with Quick Macro, Search The Web, search Google.
  3. Fixed the cause of a crash that could occur with certain Windows visual themes.
  4. Added support for Windows 11, Windows Server 2019, and Windows Server 2022.
  5. Fixed a problem where a macro file could be loaded more than once when a .wcfg file that has extra spaces around the macro file path is used.
  6. Fixed the cause of a crash in that could occur if the License Code entered is too short.
  7. Fixed an issue where if a Keyboard Express 3 license was in the clipboard Keyboard Express 4 would display the license found message.
  8. Several other bug fixes and security patches.
  1. Updated the uninstaller. The previous uninstaller is now being blocked from running by Windows.
  2. Signed with the latest code signing certificate for enhanced security and trust.
  3. Bug fixes and other minor changes.


  1. Adjustments were made in several places to support ultra high resolution / 4K displays.
  2. Added Win+End, Win+Alt+End and Win+Ctrl+End to the choices for HotKey to abort macros and HotKey to pause macros.
  3. Icons in the Notification Area can now be set to be displayed or hidden and Windows will remember the setting.
  4. The list of HotKeys in Quick Wizards now displays HotKeys reserved for or restricted by Windows in different colors.
  5. Added Theme preference setting.
  6. Added an option to play a sound every time a macro is activated.
  7. The Web Site command now defaults to https:// instead of http://.
  8. Changed references from system tray to Notification Area.
  9. The Scheduler Alarm sound has been renamed to Scheduler Notification and now allows the default system sounds to be used instead of a .wav file.
  10. Improved macro backup.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed problems with the Swap File and Close Macro File commands.
  2. Fixed a problem where the Clipboard Paste command was never saved.
  3. Double clicking on a macro in a macro file set to Read Only no longer brings up the macro in the editor.
  4. Clicking the Reset Page button on the Activation preferences now correctly sets the HotKey to enable/disable to Pause.
  5. Fixed a possible lockup that could occur when two or more macro file backups occur at the same time.
  6. Fixed a bug that could cause the program to forget which macro files are loaded.
  7. Fixed a bug that could cause the backup location and pattern to be reset.
  8. Fixed security vulnerability CVE-2014-0994 relating to bitmap images.
  9. Fixed a problem that occurred if the Scheduler Notification sound was enabled but the scheduled macro did not finish before it was scheduled to run again.
  10. Fixed a problem with the option to play a sound every time a macro is activated.
  11. Fixed the MACROFILEDEST Advanced Installation option.
  12. Fixed a problem where the “Save settings for all users” would delete the list of macro files to load from HKCU.
  13. Fixed the default crash report path.


  1. Adjusted internal delays to make typing text more reliable.
  2. Added delay between key down and up along with a preference to enable or disable it.

Bug Fixes

  1. Other programs no longer freeze up while the license dialog is displayed after being launched from the player.
  2. Fixed an issue that could occur when launching another program.
  3. Fixed a problem that occurred where if a macro file was temporarily unavailable when Keyboard Express Explorer was loaded, a new file with 0 bytes was created.


  1. Added UAC message when ‘Save settings as defaults for all users’.
  2. Renamed ‘Delay after keystrokes’ to ‘Delay after keystroke up’.
  3. Added ‘Delay after keystroke down’ with a preference to enable or disable it.
  4. Adjusted internal delays to make typing text more reliable.
  5. Removed ‘On the Web’ from Script Editor.
  6. Added an option to show the full filepath for the Most Recently Used macro file list.
  7. The About box now shows Keyboard Express Portable when appropriate.
  8. Enhanced the CONFIGFILEPATH Advanced Installation option to allow the path to be surrounded by “s.
  9. A filename without a path is now allowed in the CONFIGFILEPATH Advanced Installation option. If the path is left off the file is assumed to be in the folder where the installation program is running.
  10. A more descriptive warning is displayed if a license for the portable version is entered into the standard version of the program and vice versa.
  11. Enhanced the Alt-Key Sequence feature to allow entry of Alt Key Codes using hexadecimal values.
  12. Enhanced the Alt-Key Sequence feature to support the legacy method to enter Alt Key Codes.
  13. Export Program Configuration now exports preferences from HKLM even when the program is not running with elevated privileges (administrator mode).

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed a problem where extra blank lines were added when a macro containing , , , , , , or was edited.
  2. Fixed a problem where the Categories width was not saved.
  3. Fixed a problem with the “Close open macro files before loading another macro file” setting when a .kex file is double-clicked.
  4. The program now warns instead of crashing if an attempt is made to open a macro file that is zero bytes in length or smaller than the minimum of 60 bytes.
  5. Fixed a problem that caused a ClosePref warning message to appear.
  6. Fixed a problem that could cause a problem with the LICENSENAME and LICENSECODE advanced installation options.
  1. Fixed a problem where saving certain script commands would remove CRLF’s.
  2. The Find/Replace form now comes up in the same position as the last time it was used.
  3. Added preferences that default the ‘Turn off the Caps Lock prior to running the macro’ or ‘Restore the Caps Lock state after finishing the macro’ options on or off when creating a new macro.
  4. The Sound command now has a drop down that contains valid System Sounds that can be played in the macro.
  5. Improved the message that is displayed when the HotKey to pause macros, the HotKey to abort macros or the HotKey to enable/disable Keyboard Express are assigned to the same hotkey.
  6. Pressing F1 in Macro Explorer’s Find dialog now displays help.
  7. Removed extraneous ‘Search script text’ checkbox in Script Editor’s Find dialog.
  8. The last 10 entries in the find dialogs are now remembered and reusable.
  9. Made a change to improve playback of a shortkey macro.
  10. Fixed a problem with text type of keypad numbers.
  11. Fixed a problem where the portable version was not remembering the license when used with remote desktop connection.
  12. Fixed colors of components on backup prompt when running on Windows Server 2003.
  1. Improved removing the shortkey activation characters before launching a shortkey activated macro.
  2. Fixed a crash that could occur when clicking between macro files in the Categories column.
  3. Fixed a problem that caused the computer to freeze when a read-only macro file is loaded using the Swap File command.


  1. A portable version is now available for use with portable devices.
  2. Added a message that is displayed when Packing macro files.
  3. Optimized menu that is displayed when the system tray icon is right-clicked.
  4. Optimized the Help menu.
  5. The option to backup when the program starts is now disabled by default.
  6. Improved the dialog that is displayed when macro files are backed up.
  7. The total amount of memory installed on the computer is now reported correctly in the event of a crash.
  8. Enhanced the message that is displayed when the ‘Run when Windows starts up’ preference is changed and while waiting for the user to click on the UAC prompt.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed a problem where the Window Activate command was giving priority to hidden windows over visible windows.
  2. Fixed the Log Off, Power Off, Reboot and Shutdown commands.
  3. Fixed a problem with the Color every other line option.
  4. Changed the items to search for to match the column headers.
  5. Fixed a problem that could occur if a backup starts and the file is being updated by another process.
  6. Fixed a problem with Export and then Import Program Configuration that occurred when & is part of a macro file name.
  7. Exporting and importing the program configuration no longer generates an error when the macro file contains accented characters.
  8. The backup routine will no longer attempt to back up a macro file if the filename is blank.
  9. Fixed a crash that would occasionally occur when the program first loads.
  10. Fixed a crash that would occur if program is closed after the ‘Run when Windows starts up’ preference is changed and while waiting for user to click on the UAC prompt.


  1. The program now works correctly with macro files that are read-only.
  2. Updated the font selection for shortkey macros that Paste Rich Text.
  3. The RunQuiet advanced installation option now disables the ‘Prompt about read-only status on macro files’ option and sets the Default Action to ‘Leave the file as is’.
  4. Updated the help.
  5. Restore Window Positions may now be used when the Explorer window is displayed.
  6. Updated the hook to improve compatibility with other programs that also use hooks.
  7. Increased the width of the dialog that displays the ‘File is read-only’ message.
  8. When a macro file is loaded in the Keyboard Express Explorer it is now highlighted.
  9. By default 10 items are now included in the most recently used list of macro files.
  10. All open macro files are now included in the list of most recently used macro files.
  11. Added support for persistent macro files.
  12. Added ‘Close open macro files before loading another macro file’ option to the preferences that will close open macro files when another macro file is opened.
  13. Restore Window Positions now resets the column widths and the size and position of the main program window.
  14. Made a modification to the ‘Website’ command to make the ‘wait for webpage’ option more reliable.
  15. Changed the macro locking timestamp from local time to universal time. This should help prevent issues where a macro is being edited by one user in a different time zone and another user being unable to open the macro because of the timestamp.
  16. Improved support for non-default DPI settings on Windows 7 and Vista.


Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed a problem wehre the AM/PM indicator was missing from the scheduled macro dialog.
  2. The horizontal scroll bar in the yellow box in the editor no longer disappears when the dialog is resized.
  3. The splitter above the yellow box in the editor no longer disappears when the dialog is resized.
  4. Importing a Program Configuration file (.wcfg) file without a QuickStart section no longer causes an error message.
  5. The file association for the .kex file extension set by the installer now works.
  6. Fixed a problem that occurred if Preferences dialog was displayed after the Categories column was resized.
  7. Fixed a problem where loading recently loaded files would sometimes get confused.
  8. Fixed a problem that occurred when ‘Display the advanced file prompt’ is disabled and ‘Close open macro files before loading another macro file’ is enabled.
  9. Fixed a problem copying a macro created via the Quick Macro wizard.
  10. Fixed a problem where handles used by other programs would increase whenever the mouse was on top of that program.
  11. The command line parameter in the Preferences is now properly stored in the startup shortcut.
  12. Corrected a typo in the dropdown list for text playback options on the Editor window that said ‘Simulate Keystokes’ instead of ‘Simulate Keystrokes’.
  13. Fixed an issue that was caused by Microsoft Security patch.
  14. Fixed a lockup that could occur when using the ‘Swap File’ command.
  15. Fixed a handle leak in the mouse hook.
  16. Fixed a problem with the LICENSENAME and LICENSECODE advanced installation options.
  17. Fixed the cause of a crash that would occur when a very large number entered into the font size field when editing shortkey macros that Paste Rich Text.
  18. Fixed the cause of a crash that occurred when a macro is halted.
  19. Attempts to load a corrupted macro now display a warning message and close the script editor instead of crashing.
  20. The program no longer crashes when you click Cancel after attempting to open a read-only macro file.
  21. Fixed a crash that could occur when saving the hotkey.
  22. Fixed a crash that occurred when changing the application’s configuration while the hotkey editor is open.
  1. Added support for pasting rich text when using the ‘ShortKey’ activation.
  2. Fixed a crash that occurred when saving a hotkey.
  3. Added a 10 millisecond delay to the starting of shortkey-activated macros in order to improve playback reliability.

The next generation of Keyboard Express

Keyboard Express has a modernized look and many new and improved features. This list highlights some of the most exciting changes.

  1. Multiple macro files open at the same time

    Keyboard Express allows more than one macro (.kex) file to be open at the same time. Macros will play back from any of the files that are currently open.

  2. Multiple macros may be open and edited at the same time

    The Editor now allows more than one macro script to be open at the same time. This makes it easier to copy sections from one macro to another.

  3. Shortkeys activation

    Besides hotkeys, now use short text abbreviations (shortkeys) to initiate macros.

  4. Quick macros

    The Quick Macro option provides a fast way for creating macros to automate Windows functions. Open specific folders, shut down the computer, perform web searches, organize desktop windows, run Control Panel applets and more.

  5. No limit on number of keystrokes per macro

    Previous versions of Keyboard Express limited each macro to a maximum of 5000 keystrokes. There is no longer a fixed to the size of the macro.

  6. No limit on number of macros per macro file

    Previous versions had a limit of 500 macros per macro file limit. Now there is no fixed limit.

  7. Clipboard commands

    Added clipboard copy, paste, cut and empty commands.

  8. Enhanced scheduling options

    Added additional scheduling options

  9. Notes tab

    The Editor now includes a tab where notes may be kept about the specific macro being edited.

  10. File Packing

    An option to pack the file to optimize performance.

  11. Improved backup options

    Added more flexibility in the date and time of scheduled backups.

Release Notes for Keyboard Express 3